The law of contract is more intertwined with our everyday lives than some people may think. Every transaction and deal that we enter is a contract between two people, or a person and a business, or whatever it may be.
A contract is a legally binding agreement between two parties. It ensures that the deal, or what is agreed, will be carried out in the eyes of the law. There are certain aspects of contract law that need to be adhered to in order for the deal to become legally binding. Some of these are that both parties must intend for a legally binding agreement to be entered. Another is that there is no influence of alcohol or drugs on the system of the person. Both parties must also be of the legal age to enter into a legal agreement.
There is confusion surrounding the law of warranties. A warranty is a sort of clause that can have a party exempt from certain legal obligations if a certain requirement is met. Like the formation of a legally binding agreement, there are certain things that must be met for a warranty to be binding.
If you think that a warranty may affect you, then this article is here to help. Here are some tips regarding things to look out for if you are concerned about the possible effect of a warranty.
A Warranty Stands If You Purchase A Good

An example of a warranty is that if you purchase a new phone, you can bring the phone back to be repaired free of charge if it breaks unexpectedly. This is standard procedure in the business of selling electronics. The same is widely seen in the selling of televisions, radios and microwaves. If it breaks for no reason, then you are entitled to a fix. The best piece of advice we can give is to go to your legal dispute lawyer in Thailand or in your country for advice. They will tell you if there is a valid warranty. Warranties will usually be listed on a receipt.
Failure To Carry Out The Warranty? What To Do?
If you buy a product that comes with a warranty attached, and the product then breaks, your warranty comes into effect. The supplier cannot shy away from this obligation. You have entered into a legally binding agreement with the supplier. You paid the consideration (cash) and you both intended to enter into a legally binding agreement. To add to this, the warranty was made crystal clear at the time of purchase. If your supplier says that they will not carry out the warranty, you have grounds to sue. It is also worth mentioning that, if the supplier states that you must go to the manufacturer to get the item repaired, then you also have a right to sue. The seller of the item is the one who must deal with the repairs.
The law of warranties is a confusing and convoluted area of law. Hopefully, this article has brought some useful information to you to help in this regard.